Congratulations on making it! These are actually crappy boredom sketches i usually make during a lecture in class (except for the page 8 pic). Anyhoosh, they may or may not be used in the story, but I hope you enjoy a few at least.
10/03/04---I have a bunch of new sketches, I just have to find them and scan them. And those of you who actually do come here I'll tell you a little something that will probably horrify most of you who are artists. I actually did get ahead in Streak, by three pages worth of sketching and inking. But I didn't make the script until after I drew the pages and that's when I saw the problem. It was a good plan that flunked with flying colors. So the pages weren't good anymore and I tore them up, then kept the pieces that I liked the best. I'll scan those as well.
10/06/04---I put some stuff that was already in my comp.
==concepts/funky sketches
Nagi and Rin making eye contact
Let's mess up Nagi!!
Weapon gallery
First draft of page 8 (used)
Seifer (used)
Nagi (kid version) and Precia character sketch
Mike's demon
group image
Makin fire!
Abusing Nagi...
Abusing rocks...
Seifer and Chihuahua scene(used)--sketched and in the middle of inking
==other streak pics (didn't want to put in the upper categories ^_~)
More Reed!: A before and after cg pic. I'm planning to use this one for the online comics directory thing.
Non-Streak related: On a note, BHR happens to be the comic I was working on after making page one of Streak over at Warped Manga. Then BHR failed because I couldn't draw a certain something, and on top of that multiple dumped RSOM ideas, so I jumped right back to Streak. Kinda sad, isn't it....
page 1
page 2
page 3
page 4
page 5
==rsom stuff
Burnt Wind (aka Evil Butterfly)---one scene: tokyopop doesn't like exploding butterflies...but i absolutely love this pic!
Burnt Wind (aka Evil Butterfly)---Nick Sketch: I like this character. XD
Joint Project---one scene: I was working with a friend on this one. She did the story. It's a really really good story!! It's cute ^_^ . But we dropped the idea because I told her that tokyopop was looking more for the story that can stand as a one shot, and this didn't cut it. I hope we do get back to this story because I really like it.
Using BHR characters: I thought it would be funny to re-use BHR characters in a story that combined several Japanese tales.